My experience with band has been great so far. I really appreciate the different options for inviting people to your boards, the 24hr password in particular is a nice touch. Its much better than whats app for that reason, so you dont actually have to exchange private info with people if you want to talk to them.
This works great for the group i use it with, we play a strategy game and Band allows us to communicate outside of the game to strategize, post pics and links etc. I also like the shouts, great to have more options than a simple like.
Oh and one of the main features that drew me to this app (other than the fact that its free!), is the layout is much better than other group chat apps where the whole convo stays in one box. This app allows you to post something and then have people comment on it, which is much easier to read. I was a fan of Glassboard before it went under, Band is my new improved version!
Unduffytable about BAND - App for all groups, v3.4.4